Truck Accidents: A Complete Guide for Personal Injury Claims in Texas

If you’ve been in a truck accident, or know someone who has, this guide is for you. Truck accidents are big deals. They happen a lot and can be really serious. In 2021, some of the biggest settlements and verdicts were because of truck accidents. According to, the largest in Texas was $40.5 million. That’s a lot of money, and it shows how serious these accidents can be.

Truck accidents are different from car accidents. They can cause more damage and are often more complicated when it comes to the law. This guide will help you understand all about truck accidents – why they happen, what kind of injuries they can cause, and how to handle the legal stuff if you’re involved in one. We’ll cover everything you need to know, step by step.

Let’s start by looking at how often these accidents happen and what they mean for the people involved.

When it comes to understanding truck accident settlements, it’s crucial to grasp both their magnitude and their impact. Truck accidents are not just common occurrences; they often result in significant personal injury settlements, reflecting the severe consequences these accidents can have on individuals’ lives.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide a foundational understanding for anyone affected by a truck accident or those seeking to learn more about this critical aspect of personal injury law.

Frequency and Impact of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are not just rare events; they’re a significant concern on our roads. According to Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in 2021, there were over 38,000 accidents involving big trucks. That’s more than 100 truck accidents every day. Out of these, about 630 were fatal. These numbers are a wake-up call to the seriousness of truck accidents.

But it’s not just about the numbers. Each of these accidents can have a big impact. Trucks are much larger and heavier than cars. So, when they crash, they can cause a lot of damage. This can mean serious injuries for people in smaller vehicles. Think about broken bones, head injuries, and even injuries that can change someone’s life forever.

The impact of these accidents goes beyond physical harm. They can bring emotional stress and financial worries. People might not be able to work for a while, or they might need long-term medical care. This can be hard on families, both emotionally and financially.

Also, the roads we drive on every day can be affected. Truck accidents can lead to traffic jams and road closures, affecting many people’s daily lives.

Commercial Truck vs. Passenger Car Accidents

Commercial truck accidents differ significantly from passenger car accidents in several key aspects. These differences are not just physical, but also regulatory, affecting the legal landscape of personal injury claims.

Physical Differences

The most apparent differences are physical. Commercial trucks, such as 18-wheelers and semi-trucks, are much larger and heavier than typical passenger cars. For instance, a fully loaded commercial truck can weigh up to 30 times more than a passenger car. This disparity in size and weight leads to:

  • Longer stopping distances: Trucks take much longer to stop compared to cars.
  • Greater impact force: In a collision, the force exerted by a truck is significantly higher, often leading to more severe damage and injuries.
  • Larger blind spots: Trucks have larger blind spots, increasing the risk of accidents, especially during lane changes or turns.
  • Maneuverability: Due to their size, trucks have wider turn radii and are less maneuverable.

Regulatory Differences

Commercial truck drivers and the companies they work for are subject to different, often more stringent, regulations than those for passenger vehicles. These include:

  • Licensing: Truck drivers must possess a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) which requires specialized training and testing.
  • Hours of Service: There are strict regulations on how many hours a truck driver can consecutively drive to prevent fatigue.
  • Vehicle Maintenance: Regular and detailed inspections of commercial trucks are mandated to ensure safety standards are met.
  • Load Regulations: There are specific rules about how cargo must be loaded and secured in commercial trucks.

These physical and regulatory differences not only affect the likelihood and severity of accidents but also influence the legal considerations in the event of a collision. For example, a personal injury claim arising from a truck accident may involve exploring whether the truck driver or trucking company violated any of these regulations, which could be a factor in establishing liability.

Common Injuries in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents, given their scale and intensity, often result in severe injuries, far surpassing those typically encountered in passenger car accidents. The size and weight of commercial trucks mean that when they collide with smaller vehicles, the impact can be devastating.

Common Injuries

Here are some of the common injuries sustained in truck accidents:

  1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): The force of a truck collision can cause head trauma leading to concussions or more severe brain injuries. TBIs can have long-lasting effects on cognitive functions and quality of life.
  2. Spinal Cord Injuries: The spine is particularly vulnerable in high-impact collisions. Injuries can range from herniated discs to severe spinal cord damage, potentially resulting in paralysis.
  3. Broken Bones: The significant force exerted in a truck accident can easily break bones. These injuries can be complex and require extended periods for recovery.
  4. Neck and Back Injuries: Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries are common, often leading to chronic pain and mobility issues.
  5. Internal Injuries: The blunt trauma from a truck accident can cause internal bleeding and damage to organs, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

These injuries underscore the importance of seeking immediate medical attention following a truck accident. Additionally, they highlight the need for comprehensive legal representation to ensure that victims receive adequate compensation for their injuries, which often have long-term implications.

Real-Life Stories

To illustrate the impact of truck accidents on individuals’ lives, several real-life stories can be referenced:

  1. A Professional Chef’s Life Altered: A professional chef, Benji, experienced a life-changing event when he was involved in a log truck collision. This incident left him with a broken jaw, significantly affecting his career and personal life. His story is a stark reminder of how a truck accident can alter one’s life in an instant (Source: Trucking Watchdog).
  2. Traumatic Brain Injury from a Truck Accident: Another case involved a young girl named Angelah who suffered a mild traumatic brain injury in a crash. Her mother was driving during a rainy afternoon when a truck driver failed to control his vehicle, leading to the accident. This case highlights the serious consequences such accidents can have, especially on the brain (Source: Trucking Watchdog).
  3. Multiple Injuries Including TBI: In a different scenario, Cissy, a 61-year-old woman, was hit by a truck in New Orleans, resulting in multiple injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI). Her story includes intensive rehabilitation and a challenging return to work, showcasing the long-term impact of truck accidents on health and livelihood (Source: After Trauma).
  4. Advocacy Following Tragedy: In a heart-wrenching story, Jim Haines, an Indiana doctor, turned to advocacy for increased road safety after his colleague and her two children were killed in a truck accident. This incident led to his support for the installation of collision avoidance systems on semis, demonstrating how such accidents can propel individuals towards activism for change (Source: Patrick Daniel Law).

These stories provide a glimpse into the varied and profound effects truck accidents can have on victims and their families, highlighting the importance of safety, legal support, and advocacy in the aftermath of such traumatic events.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can result from a variety of factors, many of which are unique to commercial vehicle operations. Understanding these common causes is crucial for both prevention and in legal contexts where establishing the cause is essential for liability claims. Here are some of the most prevalent factors:

  1. Driver Fatigue: Long hours on the road without adequate rest can lead to driver fatigue, one of the leading causes of truck accidents. This is why Hours of Service regulations are so critical in the trucking industry.
  2. Distracted Driving: Just like in passenger vehicles, truck drivers can be distracted by mobile devices, eating, or other activities that take their focus away from driving.
  3. Speeding: Overspeeding is a common cause, particularly given the longer time trucks need to stop.
  4. Blind Spots: The larger blind spots in trucks (“No-Zones”) can lead to accidents if drivers are not vigilant about other vehicles in these areas.
  5. Poor Vehicle Maintenance: Failure to maintain brakes, tires, and other critical components can lead to catastrophic failures on the road.
  6. Load-Related Issues: Improperly secured or overloaded cargo can shift and cause the truck to lose balance or the cargo to fall off, leading to accidents.
  7. Weather and Road Conditions: Adverse weather conditions and poor road infrastructures can be more challenging for trucks due to their size and weight.
  8. Driving Under the Influence: While less common, incidents of DUI involving truck drivers do occur and can have devastating consequences due to the size of the vehicles involved.
  9. Improper Training: Inadequate training in handling large vehicles and emergency situations can lead to accidents.
  10. Aggressive Driving: Instances of tailgating, unsafe lane changes, and road rage can also lead to accidents involving trucks.

By understanding these causes, trucking companies, drivers, and regulatory bodies can work towards reducing the incidence of these accidents, making the roads safer for everyone.

Rules of the Road for Truck Drivers

Understanding the ‘rules of the road’ for commercial truck drivers is crucial for both safety and compliance. These rules encompass a wide range of regulations and best practices, governed primarily by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and state laws. Here are some key areas:

  1. Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations: These are designed to prevent driver fatigue, a major cause of accidents. Key aspects include:
    • 14-Hour Driving Window: Limiting the on-duty time in a day.
    • 11-Hour Driving Limit: Maximum driving hours within the 14-hour window.
    • 30-Minute Rest Breaks: Mandatory after 8 cumulative hours of driving.
    • 60/70-Hour On-Duty Limit: Weekly on-duty hour limits.
    • 34-Hour Restart Rule: Allowing drivers to restart their weekly driving hours​​​​.
  2. Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection: Regular inspections and maintenance of critical components like brakes and tires are mandated to ensure safety.
  3. Load Regulations: Ensuring proper loading and securing of cargo to prevent shifts or spills.
  4. Driver Qualifications and Training: Including the requirement for a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and ongoing training in safety and operational procedures.
  5. Adherence to Traffic Laws: Obeying speed limits, traffic signals, and other road laws.
  6. Professional Conduct: This includes courtesy to other road users, maintaining a professional appearance, and practicing good personal hygiene.
  7. Health and Well-being: Encouraging healthy eating, exercise, and sufficient rest to ensure alertness and fitness for duty.
  8. Avoiding Distractions: Prohibiting the use of mobile devices for texting or calling while driving, except in emergencies.
  9. Substance Abuse Regulations: Strictly prohibiting driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  10. Record Keeping: Using Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to accurately track hours of service and rest periods.
  11. Safety Best Practices: Such as using the ‘Lean and Look’ method for checking blind spots and following protocols for adverse driving conditions.

These rules not only ensure the safety of the truck drivers but also protect other road users. Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including fines, suspension of driving privileges, and impacts on the driver’s and carrier’s safety ratings​​​​.

Relevant Evidence in a Truck Accident Case

In a truck accident case, gathering and presenting the right evidence is crucial to establish liability and claim compensation. Here’s a rundown of the types of evidence that are typically important:

  1. Crash Report: The official accident report by the police often contains critical details about the accident, including the officer’s observations and initial conclusions about the cause.
  2. Eyewitness Testimony: Statements from people who witnessed the accident can provide an independent account of what happened.
  3. Dashboard Camera Footage: Many trucks are equipped with dashboard cameras, and the footage can be invaluable in showing what happened before and during the accident.
  4. Truck’s Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Data: ELDs record the truck’s driving hours, which can be used to determine if HOS regulations were violated.
  5. Hours of Service Records: These logs can indicate if the driver was operating the truck without the mandated rest periods.
  6. Route Logs: Details about the truck’s route can sometimes point to potential causes of the accident, such as challenging road conditions.
  7. Driver’s Records of Duty: These records provide a history of the driver’s on-duty hours and can show patterns of fatigue or overwork.
  8. Maintenance and Repair Records: Poor maintenance can be a contributing factor to accidents. These records reveal how well the truck was maintained.
  9. Driver Qualification Files: These include the driver’s licensing, training records, and employment history, which can be crucial if there’s a question of driver competence or experience.
  10. Mobile Device Records: To check if the driver was using their phone or was distracted at the time of the accident.
  11. Cargo Records: Details about the cargo, including weight and how it was secured, can be relevant, especially if improper loading contributed to the accident.

Collecting and analyzing this evidence requires thorough knowledge and expertise, often necessitating the involvement of legal professionals and accident reconstruction experts. This evidence not only helps in understanding how the accident occurred but also in identifying liable parties.

Identifying Responsible Parties in a Truck Accident

Determining liability in a truck accident is often more complex than in standard car accidents. Multiple parties could be responsible, either directly or indirectly. Understanding who these parties might be is crucial for a comprehensive legal claim:

  1. Truck Driver: The driver may be liable if the accident resulted from their direct actions, such as negligence, distracted driving, or non-compliance with safety regulations.
  2. Trucking Company: If the driver was employed by a trucking company at the time of the accident, the company might be responsible. This could be due to inadequate training, forcing drivers to violate Hours of Service regulations, or failing to maintain vehicles.
  3. Owner of the Truck: Independent contractors or truck owners are responsible for the maintenance and operation of their vehicles. Their liability can come into play if vehicle maintenance or operational issues caused the accident.
  4. Cargo Loaders: Improperly loaded or secured cargo can lead to accidents. The parties responsible for loading the truck could be held liable if this contributed to the crash.
  5. Vehicle or Parts Manufacturers: If a vehicle malfunction contributed to the accident, the manufacturer of the truck or specific faulty parts could be liable under product liability laws.
  6. Maintenance Providers: If poor maintenance was a factor, the service providers who were responsible for maintaining the truck could be held accountable.
  7. Government Entities: Sometimes, accidents are caused by poor road conditions or inadequate signage. In such cases, the government entity responsible for road maintenance might be liable.
  8. Other Drivers: Sometimes, other negligent drivers on the road can contribute to or cause a truck accident.

Identifying the correct parties responsible for a truck accident requires a thorough investigation, often involving legal experts who can navigate the complex web of relationships and responsibilities in the trucking industry. Each case is unique, and understanding the specific circumstances of the accident is key to determining liability.

Potential Compensation in Truck Accident Claims

The compensation a victim can recover in a truck accident claim depends on various factors, including the severity of the injuries, the impact on the victim’s life, and the circumstances of the accident. Key aspects of compensation include:

  1. Medical Expenses: This includes both current and future medical bills resulting from the accident, such as hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any long-term care needs.
  2. Lost Wages and Earning Capacity: Compensation may cover not only lost wages due to the accident but also loss of future earning capacity if the injuries prevent the victim from returning to their previous job or working at all.
  3. Pain and Suffering: This non-economic damage compensates for the physical pain and emotional distress suffered by the victim due to the accident.
  4. Property Damage: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing the victim’s vehicle and any other personal property damaged in the accident.
  5. Punitive Damages: In cases where the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or egregious, punitive damages may be awarded as a form of punishment and deterrence.
  6. Wrongful Death: In tragic circumstances where a truck accident leads to death, the victim’s family may be entitled to compensation for funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and other damages.

The specific amount of compensation will vary based on the case’s details, and sometimes, multiple parties may be liable, affecting the total compensation. It’s important to consult with a legal professional who can evaluate the case’s particulars and help maximize the compensation.

Steps to Take if You’re Injured in a Truck Accident

If you are involved in a truck accident, certain steps should be taken to protect your health and legal rights. Here is a guide on what to do:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Even if injuries seem minor, it’s essential to get checked by a medical professional, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  2. Obtain a Police Report: Contact the police so they can file an official report of the accident. This report is a vital piece of evidence for any insurance or legal claims.
  3. Document the Accident Scene: If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including vehicle positions, damages, and any road signs or markings. Also, note the weather and road conditions.
  4. Gather Information: Collect contact and insurance information from all parties involved, including witnesses. Note down the truck’s license plate, the driver’s name, and the trucking company’s name.
  5. Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance company about the accident but be cautious about providing detailed statements before consulting a lawyer.
  6. Keep Records of Everything: Document all medical treatments, expenses, lost wages, and any other damages resulting from the accident.
  7. Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer: Truck accident claims can be complex. Consulting with a lawyer who specializes in such cases can help you understand your rights and options.
  8. Don’t Settle Prematurely: Be wary of early settlement offers from insurance companies. Ensure you fully understand the extent of your injuries and damages before agreeing to any settlement.
  9. Maintain Privacy: Be cautious about what you share on social media regarding the accident, as it could be used against you in your claim.
  10. Follow Up on Medical Treatment: Continue with any recommended medical treatments and follow-ups, as they are crucial for your recovery and for documenting the impact of the accident.

These steps are crucial not only for your health and safety but also for building a strong case should you need to pursue legal action for compensation.

Working with a Truck Accident Lawyer on Your Personal Injury Claim

After being involved in a truck accident, working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can be pivotal in navigating the complex legal landscape and ensuring a fair settlement. Here’s what to consider when working with a lawyer:

  1. Expertise in Truck Accident Cases: Choose a lawyer or law firm with specific experience in truck accident claims, as these cases often involve intricate legal and regulatory issues.
  2. Initial Consultation: Most personal injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to discuss the specifics of your case, understand the legal process, and gauge the lawyer’s expertise.
  3. Understanding Fees and Costs: Personal injury lawyers typically work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they get paid a percentage of the settlement or court award. Ensure you understand the fee structure and any additional costs.
  4. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation, gather evidence, and consult with experts to build a strong case.
  5. Dealing with Insurance Companies: Experienced lawyers can handle negotiations with insurance companies, who often try to minimize payouts. Your lawyer will work to ensure you get a fair settlement.
  6. Legal Representation in Court: If a settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer will be prepared to take your case to trial. They will represent you in all legal proceedings, advocating on your behalf.
  7. Communication and Support: A good lawyer will keep you informed throughout the process and be available to answer your questions, providing legal and emotional support.
  8. Maximizing Your Compensation: Skilled lawyers will evaluate all aspects of your case, including current and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more, to maximize the compensation you can receive.

Remember, the right lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. It’s important to feel confident and comfortable with the legal representation you choose.


Truck accidents present unique challenges and complexities, both from the perspective of safety and legal ramifications. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the vital aspects of truck accident settlements, from understanding the frequent and impactful nature of these accidents to the multifaceted process of claiming compensation.

We’ve highlighted the importance of gathering comprehensive evidence, identifying all potentially responsible parties, and the critical role of specialized legal assistance in navigating these claims. Each step, from the immediate actions post-accident to working with a lawyer, contributes significantly to the successful resolution of a truck accident claim.

Remember, the severity of truck accidents and the intricate web of liability issues demand a thorough and informed approach. Whether you’re a victim, a legal professional, or simply seeking to understand this area of personal injury law, it’s important to recognize the complexities involved and the need for expertise in dealing with these cases.

For those affected, the journey following a truck accident can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and support, navigating the path to compensation and recovery can be made more manageable.


18 Wheeler Accident Car Accident Commercial Motor Vehicle Damages Evidence Insurance Negligence Personal Injury Rules of the Road Truck Wreck