Wide Turn Truck Accidents: Personal Injury Legal Guide

Wide Turn Truck Accidents

Did you know that truck accidents have resulted in some of the largest settlements and verdicts in Texas? Wide turn 18 wheeler accidents are a serious issue in Texas, causing significant damage and complex legal implications. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident or want to learn more about trucking accidents in Texas, understanding the frequency and impact of these accidents is crucial.

Frequency and Impact of Wide Turn Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are a common occurrence on Texas roads. In 2021 alone, there were approximately 494,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks. Out of these accidents, approximately 630 were fatal. These numbers highlight the significance of truck accidents and the potential impact they can have on individuals and their families. Wide turn accidents involving 18 wheelers are particularly concerning, as they often result in severe damage and injuries.

When an 18 wheeler attempts a wide turn, it requires a significant amount of space and careful maneuvering. The size and weight of these large vehicles make them more difficult to control, especially in tight spaces or crowded intersections. As a result, collisions caused by wide turns can have devastating consequences, leading to property damage, serious injuries, and even loss of life.

Trucking accidents, particularly those involving wide turns, can disrupt the lives of everyone involved. Not only do victims have to deal with physical injuries and emotional trauma, but they may also face financial burdens due to medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the frequency and impact of these accidents in order to raise awareness and encourage measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

Commercial Truck vs. Passenger Car Accidents

tractor-trailer turning mishaps

When it comes to trucking accidents, there are distinct differences between commercial truck accidents and accidents involving passenger cars. One of the primary differences lies in the physical characteristics of commercial trucks, such as 18 wheelers or semi-trucks. These vehicles are significantly larger and heavier than passenger cars, resulting in longer stopping distances and greater impact force in the event of a collision.

Furthermore, commercial truck drivers and the companies they work for are subject to specific regulations that differ from those governing passenger vehicles. These regulations encompass various aspects, including licensing requirements, hours of service limitations, vehicle maintenance standards, and load regulations. These stringent regulations are in place to ensure the safety and proper operation of commercial trucks on our roads.

The Differences in Size and Weight

Commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers and 18 wheelers, are much larger and heavier than passenger cars. The sheer size and weight of these trucks result in increased momentum and force during a collision, often leading to more severe damage and injuries. It is crucial for drivers of passenger cars to be aware of these size and weight disparities when sharing the road with commercial trucks to avoid accidents.

Regulatory Compliance

Commercial truck drivers and their employing companies must adhere to specific regulations to maintain safety standards on the roads. These regulations cover various aspects, including licensing requirements to ensure that truck drivers possess the necessary skills and qualifications. Additionally, regulations govern the hours of service to prevent driver fatigue, vehicle maintenance to ensure roadworthiness, and load regulations to prevent overloading or improperly secured cargo.

RegulationCommercial TrucksPassenger Cars
LicensingSpecialized commercial driver’s licenses are required based on the type of commercial truck being operated.Standard driver’s licenses are sufficient.
Hours of ServiceDrivers must adhere to specific regulations limiting the number of consecutive hours on duty and mandating rest breaks to prevent driver fatigue.No specific regulations governing hours of service for private passenger vehicles.
Vehicle MaintenanceCommercial trucks must undergo regular inspections and maintenance to ensure roadworthiness and prevent mechanical failures that could contribute to accidents.No specific regulations governing vehicle maintenance for private passenger vehicles.
Load RegulationsCommercial trucks must adhere to strict load regulations concerning weight limits, cargo securement, and proper distribution of the load.No specific regulations governing loads for private passenger vehicles.

Understanding the distinctions between commercial truck accidents and accidents involving passenger cars is essential in assessing liability and determining the causes and factors contributing to trucking accidents. It underscores the importance of comprehensive legal representation in cases involving trucking accidents to ensure the protection of victims’ rights and pursuit of accountability.

Common Injuries in Wide Turn Truck Accidents

Truck accidents, especially those involving 18 wheelers, can result in severe injuries. The size and weight of commercial trucks often lead to devastating consequences for individuals in smaller vehicles. Common injuries in truck accidents include:

These injuries can have long-lasting effects on victims’ lives, with some requiring extensive medical care and rehabilitation.

A high-speed trucking accident involving an 18 wheeler can result in severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can occur due to various factors, and understanding these common causes is essential in preventing accidents and establishing liability in the event of a collision. Some of the most prevalent causes of trucking accidents include:

  • Driver Fatigue: Truck drivers often work long hours and may experience fatigue, leading to impaired judgment and slower reaction times.
  • Distracted Driving: Like any other driver, truck drivers can be distracted by activities such as texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting GPS devices, increasing the risk of an accident.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed can make it difficult for truck drivers to maneuver safely and can significantly increase the severity of accidents.
  • Blind Spots: Trucks have larger blind spots compared to smaller vehicles, and failing to check these blind spots before making a turn or changing lanes can result in collisions.
  • Poor Vehicle Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance and necessary repairs can lead to equipment failures, such as brake malfunctions or tire blowouts, causing accidents on the road.
  • Load-Related Issues: Improperly secured cargo or overloaded trucks can affect the vehicle’s stability, increasing the likelihood of accidents, especially during turns.
  • Adverse Weather and Road Conditions: Poor weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or fog, along with slippery or uneven roads, can make it challenging for truck drivers to maintain control of their vehicles.

Rules of the Road for Truck Drivers

When it comes to trucking accidents, following the rules of the road is crucial for truck drivers to ensure safe and responsible driving. By adhering to these rules, truck drivers can help prevent accidents and collisions. Here are some key rules that truck drivers must follow:

  1. Obey Speed Limits: It is essential for truck drivers to adhere to posted speed limits at all times. Speeding can significantly increase the risk of accidents, especially when making wide turns.
  2. Maintain Safe Distance: Truck drivers should maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. Keeping a proper following distance allows for better response times and reduces the chances of rear-end collisions.
  3. Signal for Lane Changes and Turns: Signaling is crucial for communicating a truck driver’s intentions to other motorists. It is essential to use turn signals for both lane changes and turns to ensure the safety of all vehicles on the road.
  4. Obey Traffic Signals: Truck drivers must adhere to traffic signals, including traffic lights, stop signs, and yield signs. Failing to obey traffic signals can lead to serious accidents and endanger the lives of others on the road.

Additionally, truck drivers must be especially cautious when making wide turns. Wide turn accidents involving big rigs can be particularly dangerous and often result in significant damage and injuries. Truck drivers should be aware of their surroundings, use caution when navigating intersections, and ensure that they have enough space to complete the turn safely.

Rules of the Road for Truck DriversDescription
Obey Speed LimitsFollowing posted speed limits to reduce the risk of accidents and ensure road safety.
Maintain Safe DistanceKeeping a safe distance from other vehicles to prevent rear-end collisions and allow for better response times.
Signal for Lane Changes and TurnsUsing turn signals to communicate intentions and ensure the safety of other motorists.
Obey Traffic SignalsAdhering to traffic signals, such as traffic lights, stop signs, and yield signs, to prevent accidents.

Relevant Evidence in a Wide Turn Truck Accident Case

wide turn truck wrecks

Gathering relevant evidence is crucial in a truck accident case to establish liability and determine the extent of damages. When dealing with trucking accidents, it’s essential to gather all available evidence to build a strong case. Here are key pieces of evidence that can be instrumental in proving fault in a truck accident case:

  1. Police Reports: Obtain a copy of the official police report filed at the scene of the accident. This report will contain important details such as the date, time, and location of the accident, as well as the names and contact information of parties involved.
  2. Eyewitness Testimonies: Identifying and obtaining statements from eyewitnesses can provide crucial information about the accident. Witness testimonies can help establish the sequence of events leading up to the accident and shed light on any negligence or reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver or other parties involved.
  3. Photographs or Videos: Documenting the accident scene through photographs or videos can provide visual evidence to support your case. Capture images of vehicle damage, skid marks, road conditions, and any other relevant details that may help reconstruct the accident.
  4. Surveillance Footage: If the accident occurred near a business or intersection with surveillance cameras, it’s important to identify and preserve any available footage. Surveillance footage can provide a clear and unbiased account of the accident, showing the actions of all parties involved.
  5. Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and Event Data Recorders (EDRs): Commercial trucks are equipped with electronic logging devices and event data recorders that capture data about the truck’s movements, speed, and other factors. This information can provide valuable insights into the driver’s behavior leading up to the accident, including driving patterns, speed, and braking actions.

Properly documenting and preserving evidence is essential to building a strong case in a truck accident claim. The evidence gathered will help establish liability and assist in determining the extent of damages. Working with an experienced truck accident lawyer is crucial to ensure all relevant evidence is collected and utilized effectively to support your case.

Police ReportsOfficial documentation of the accident with key details and parties involved.
Eyewitness TestimoniesFirsthand accounts from individuals who witnessed the accident.
Photographs or VideosVisual evidence of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and road conditions.
Surveillance FootageUnbiased recording of the accident from nearby surveillance cameras.
Electronic Logging Devices and Event Data RecordersData capturing driving patterns, speed, and braking actions of the truck.

Properly documenting and preserving evidence is essential to building a strong case in a truck accident claim. By utilizing the available evidence, you can establish liability and increase your chances of securing fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Identifying Responsible Parties in a Truck Accident

In the unfortunate event of a truck accident, it is crucial to determine the responsible parties for the accident and resulting injuries. Multiple parties can potentially be held accountable for the incident, including:

  • The truck driver: The actions and negligence of the truck driver can play a significant role in causing an accident. Factors such as distracted driving, fatigue, speeding, or failure to follow traffic laws can contribute to the collision.
  • The trucking company: The trucking company that employs the driver may also bear responsibility for the accident. This can include factors such as negligent hiring practices, inadequate training, or failure to properly maintain the truck.
  • The cargo company: If the accident was caused by improperly loaded or secured cargo, the company responsible for the cargo may be held liable for the resulting damages.
  • The manufacturer: In some cases, a defect in the truck or its components can contribute to the accident. If this is the case, the manufacturer of the truck or the faulty part may be held responsible.

Determining the degree of responsibility for each party involves a thorough investigation into their actions, negligence, and compliance with relevant regulations. This process is essential in identifying the responsible parties and seeking appropriate compensation for the accident victims.

Potential Compensation in Wide Turn Truck Accident Claims

Victims of truck accidents may be entitled to significant compensation for the damages they have suffered. When pursuing a truck accident claim, victims can seek compensation for various losses, including:

  • Injuries sustained in the accident
  • Medical expenses, including hospital bills and rehabilitation costs
  • Pain and suffering endured as a result of the accident
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Emotional distress

The potential compensation awarded in truck accident claims depends on several factors. The severity of the injuries and their impact on the victim’s life are crucial considerations. For example, a victim who has suffered permanent disability or impairment may be entitled to higher compensation than someone with minor injuries.

Another essential factor in determining compensation is the negligence of the responsible parties. If the truck driver or the trucking company’s negligence played a significant role in causing the accident, the victim may be awarded greater compensation.

It is crucial for truck accident victims to work with an experienced truck accident lawyer to ensure they receive the full and fair compensation they deserve. An experienced attorney can assess the damages suffered, gather evidence to support the claim, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, litigate the case in court to seek maximum compensation for the victim.

By seeking the help of a skilled legal professional, truck accident victims can navigate the complexities of the legal process and increase their chances of obtaining the compensation they need to recover and move forward.


Trucking accidents, especially those involving wide turn 18-wheelers, can have catastrophic consequences for individuals and their loved ones. Understanding the frequency and impact of these accidents, as well as the common causes and potential legal implications, is crucial.

For victims of trucking accidents, it is essential to be familiar with the rules of the road for truck drivers and to gather relevant evidence to strengthen their cases. By working with a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer, victims can navigate the complexities of these cases and seek the compensation they deserve.

Wide turn 18-wheeler accidents in Texas require a comprehensive approach to ensure the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, don’t hesitate to seek legal assistance to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation.


18 Wheeler Accident Car Accident Commercial Motor Vehicle Damages Negligence Personal Injury Truck Wreck